Responding to a Mystery Illness
This resource is based on real events, though the timeline and details may have been changed to allow it to be used for educational purposes. As part of an imaginary WHO team, students help determine which organism is causing a mysterious illness first described in China, try to halt its spread, and begin the work of developing a vaccine.This…
Saving a Life
A man drinks an unknown liquid and soon is found unresponsive in an emergency room. Students use bioinformatics tools to investigate what substance caused such a life-threatening response. Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Web-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Bioinformatics
Education Levels: Lower Secondary
Using Bioinformatics to Track Down a Rare Cause of Diabetes
Many people are aware of the main two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. However, few people know that there are other types of diabetes. A rare type of diabetes is called maturity-onset diabetes… Read more
Type(s): Web-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Human Disease, Data Science, Bioinformatics
Education Levels: Lower Secondary